April Activities

We have been in social isolation for about 1 month now (since mid-March, 2020) and we are coming up with creative ways to use the time at home. We’ve been doing a lot of learning with Eliakim - actually related to the digestive system and functions of major organs like brain, heart, lungs, stomach, kidneys...etc
I thought of the idea originally by wanting to trace his body on a large sheet of paper and he could paint it or label body parts- then it turned out to me printing out organs and having him label those. It really took off with him as he showed great interest in learning about the digestive system - we even made up a song for it!

Elaikim is learning about what items float, and what sink.
Ellu loves Veggie Tales - this is our creation of Goliath!

Elkanah won't let me pass her with the broom without taking to it herself ;)
Ellu is memorizing his Bible Verses from A - Z
I really believe in scripture memory - especially for kids, as God's Word is so vital in all of our lives. This is a great tool that we are using both at home and in Sunday School to get kids to memorize verses in a fun and creative way. Obtained From: ABC Scripture


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