
I've always liked Arts & Crafts. My mom always says she wishes she had put me in Art class or art school when I was younger because I had such a great interest in it and I was good at it. I liked to draw and do crafts with paper and colour...etc. But what is great is I still enjoying doing those things and they have come in handy now for things such as birthdays and baby-showers etc. I love making DIY decorations for Ellu and Elkanah's birthdays and just spending my time planning it and imagining what it will look like makes me happy. I offered to make some posters and decorations for Hilina's Baby Shower since it will be a drive-by shower due to covid but in the process I learned how to make paper flowers. All this flower making "movement" has inspired me to continue in my creativity and further develop it by making more flowers, larger and various types, in addition to butterflies and prepare them for Elkanah's 2nd birthday decor...