Eliakim's First Day of School

Tomorrow is Eliakim's first day of school!!!!! I can't believe my baby is already going to start school-no exciting and nerve-wrecking at the same time, bittersweet. I have mixed emotions about it. I am happy and feel confident that he is definitely ready for school, but at the same time he is growing up so fast and i want to cherish every moment and realizing that I won't have him at home all the time makes me a bit sad. But I pray that God takes care of him in this new and exciting chapter in his life and let it be the beginning of a beautiful and prosperous road ahead with God guiding each and every step of the way. I pray that Eliakim learns to lean in the strength of God and be embraced by his love and protection. I am excited to hear all about his first day tomorrow. Unfortunately, I am working tomorrow but I will be off the remainder of the week.

This is the symbol for Elu's JK class: The Red Fox

This is at his first visit to St. Jerome for orientation day to meet his teachers for the first time and see his classroom. This is a photo of him with Mrs. G (ECE).

I love you my bright and shining star! Keep shining and being bright :).


September 17: UPDATE
So, Eliakim has been in school for almost 2 weeks now! Wow, where does the time go? We feel like we have adapted to the routine now. Thankfully, I am still at home most days of the week and because we bought a second car, I have the car to drop him off at school in the morning and pick him up after school. I am loving the time I get to spend with him in this new stage of his life. Thank you Lord! Ellu is doing really great in school adjusting well and not complaining about having to go. He talks about some of his classmates, like Brooklyn and Shajanin, Collin, Leo... Today, on our walk after school, we met his classmate Collin who just happens to live on the next street Bookton Place. Elluye is not always eating his lunch so I have to feed him when he comes home, but so far the shiro and the chicken nuggets have been a hit. I have to come up with new things to pack him for snack as he only eats cheese, apples, goldfish and crackers for snack. Otherwise, thank God, Elluye is doing fine in school and I am trusting that God will be with him and protect him in his journey at school. IN Jesus' name. Amen.


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