Happy Birthday Mommy!

 This year, like for so many others, is a very different year. And it was wonderful to be able to celebrate my birthday with my family and close friends. Thank you God for your faithfulness and blessing me with health and your peace and love and joy. And the family you gave me.

Hubby decided to take me (and the kids) out for a romantic birthday dinner to the restaurant where we celebrated our 10th year wedding anniversary - Vittoria Tratoria. Well, it was a very different experience with Ellu and Elkana lol! Let's just say the other people at the restaurant did not have a "quiet" dinner hahaha, with Elkanah saying HI HI HI to them all until they said hi in return! And also, the salmon was a bit dry than I remember it a few years ago, but still a nice restaurant. Neguissie loved his spicy macaroni and Eliakim was disappointment that they did not have fries or chicken nuggets lol.

Ori has also made this birthday special by taking me to Nordik Spa again this year. We both got to enjoy a 1 hr relaxing massage which was nice. I hope to come back again next year (for longer than 1hr :))


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