December 2020!!

 So, it has been a while since my last post, and reason is it has been quite busy the last several weeks for me. My schedule at work has changed so that I now how to go into the office every other day, which is still amazing because I get the opportunity to spend time at home with my lovely children :).

It has also picked up with EECWIN and we are required to put in 10 hrs/week. I'm pretty involved in the mom's viber group and planning the weekly mom's zoom sessions which has been pretty great. We recently did a Secret Mother's Gift Exchange and it was nice for those who participated.

For Sunday school, for the month of November, I ran a series called "I am a Child of God" where I invited 3 guest speakers on each Sunday to speak to the kids via zoom on what it means to be a Child of God. The speakers were Julie, Eben (Samuel) and Hana (from Montreal).

Eliakim continues to be my great helper and assistant in our weekly Facebook Sunday school live worship sessions.

On something different:

1. We are ALMOST finished paying off our line of credit!!! (only $2400 left to go!) All GLORY to GOD who enabled us to do this, it would not be even close to possible without God's help and intervention (opening up work opportunities, and pay increases for both Neguissie and I).

2. I was able to finally get a plumber to come in and fix our toilet so our water been has decreased tremendously. (Wish I had done this sooner...but better now then later :))

3. House prices are sky rocketing!! Today, I saw townhouses for $600K!!! So I guess we will be putting on hold our plan to buy a single house for now, until God wills. (I am still praying and believing God for a house like 662 New Liskard)

4. Elkanah is growing supper fast and talking so much and making lots of sentences. Today she asked me to take off my coat and jacket and I said I wanted to wear it since I was cold and she said, be strong mommy! Yesterday, I put her on timeout and told her to sit on the stairs and she said, "I'm working, I'm busy!" HAHAHAHA!!! What a character!

5. ELIAKIM LOST 2 OF HIS BOTTOM TEETH FOR THE FIRST TIME. (I also just took him to see the dentist a couple weeks ago for the first time and he was soooo good and sooo brave!)

6. I've been really inspired by Omega and her hair growth journey, (her hair is literally to her mid back) so I decided to ask her what products she is using and also buy it myself and I have been using it for a few days now and hopefully will continue and see results! I even took my mom to buy her the products for her to use on her hair too.

7. Missale got married last Saturday and I organized a surprise zoom wedding shower for her in collaboration with Dawit (her husband) and Tinbit.

8. I applied for a position with the OCDSB in October and completed a virtual interview to be on the Occasional Teacher's List (but have still not heard a response).

9. I applied for a position as an ACB Mental Health Coordinator with SWCHC as per Yodit's recommendation. 

10. We received a $20K Covid Emergency Relief Fund to help Ethio-Eritrean community in Ottawa with EECWIN!

11. I guess thanks to Janice, who took me to Rideau last week at the Face Shop because she wanted to buy skin care products for her face, and I ended up buying a face scrub, toner and moisturizer, I am now taking better care of my face and have a face-care routine where I wash with a cleanser, then toner then moisturize etc etc. My face has been breaking out lately and I am trying to avoid chocolate, sweets and drink more water :) (Thanks to the new glass waterbottle gift I received for Christmas from Sage Youth!) 


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