Looking Back at 2020

Where did this year go???? How has this year flown by before our eyes??? With the blink of an eye, 2020, the much anticipated year with so many plans has flown by and vanished like vapour before our very eyes. What can I say> all I can say is thank you Lord for seeing us through 2020. With the COVID-19 pandemic affecting the whole world, regardless of race, culture, age, gender, socio-economic status or anything else, it came and spread and changed our lives. But we are thankful through it all that God was and continues to be with us, remaining faithful and true.

My prayer is that we and I and my family grow more closer to God and lean on him fully and trust him and know that he alone is fully in control. We have no idea what tomorrow will bring, but being mindful that God is in control and we live for him alone.

I want to list 20 things for 2020 that I've done, learnt, accomplished and remember:

1. Eliakim turned 4 years old and we were able to have a birthday party for him with his friends.

2. Mom and Dad and Zel went to Ethiopia in January 2020.

3. We received a 3 year grant from YOF to launch EECWIN and Mom's Zoom Sessions have been such a blessing and success. And also received $20K for Covid relief fund to help ppl in our community.

4. Mekdi had baby Eva!

5. We discovered Rideau River Provincial Park and LOVED it so much that we spent almost every other weekend there at that beach.

6. We celebrated Elkanah's 2nd birthday!

7. Selam got engaged to Radni

8. I started this amazing blog!

9. We bought a second car (Ford Focus 2013)

10. Eliakim and I have been doing Sunday school via Facebook Live since March.

11. I have been working only a couple days/week and spending the rest of the time at home with the kids.

12. Eliakim started JK at St. Jerome Catholic School.

13. With the HELP OF GOD, we have been able to almost completely pay off our Line of Credit.

14. We got to celebrate our 14 year anniversary in Toronto at Sheraton Hotel! (Eliakim learned to swim!)

15. I had an interview with OCDSB for an Occasional teaching position.

16. I went to Nordik spa with Ori for my birthday and went out for dinner with Neguissie and the kids at Vittoria Tratoria.

17. I dyed and bleached my hair. (And also bought products to help my hair grow thanks to Omega)

18. I have a face-care routine now with cleanser, toner, moisturizer and scrub thanks to Janice and TG.

19. I had an interview for ACB Mental Health Coordinator with SWCHC.

20. We went to PERTH and had a wonderful time! (We also visited Saunder's Farm in the winter).


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