Ellu's Arts and Crafts

Having time at home with the kiddos has really brought out my creative side :). When I'm free, I am usually searching Pintrest for my next creative idea, and this was one thing I got from there - our very own foosball table made from a used carton of macarnoi and some cloth-hangers, construction paper and sticks. Ellu actually enjoyed playing with it :) Some other things we've created include a Farm House, which was also pretty fun to build with Ellu. I love seeing him play with things we have actually created together and seeing him have fun with it is a thrill. I can see now, along with his interest of trains and reading books, Ellu is also really into crafts....I guess he takes on after his mama! June 9th: I also wanted to make Eliakim a kite of his own that he could fly when we went to the park. To be honest, I've never had a kite or flown a kite myself, but it was something at the back of my mind I have wanted to try. So we used some items we found aro...