
Showing posts from April, 2020

Ellu's Arts and Crafts

  Having time at home with the kiddos has really brought out my creative side :). When I'm free, I am usually searching Pintrest for my next creative idea, and this was one thing I got from there - our very own foosball table made from a used carton of macarnoi and some cloth-hangers, construction paper and sticks. Ellu actually enjoyed playing with it :) Some other things we've created include a Farm House, which was also pretty fun to build with Ellu. I love seeing him play with things we have actually created together and seeing him have fun with it is a thrill. I can see now, along with his interest of trains and reading books, Ellu is also really into crafts....I guess he takes on after his mama!   June 9th: I also wanted to make Eliakim a kite of his own that he could fly when we went to the park. To be honest, I've never had a kite or flown a kite myself, but it was something at the back of my mind I have wanted to try. So we used some items we found aro

Our Father in Heaven

Matthew 6:9-13 "Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.   Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For yours is the kingdom and the power, for n'ever and n' Jesus' name, AMEN!" ~ Eliakim Eliakim has been learning to pray since he was very little. And this year, he actually memorized the Lord's Prayer which I was really happy about. We prayed it every night with him before bed, and one day all of a sudden he just said it and I was blown away because I didn't realize that he actually knew it by heart! Now, he prays before he eats and sleeps, and he's gotten very good at praying on his own. One really great resource that I believe has benefited us is Bible Adventures for Kids . They have great Bible stories for kids and some r

My Little Chef

 Although he's not big on trying new foods, Eliakim sure loves to help me in the kitchen. He loves to crack and scramble eggs, and also play with dough, using our "back massager" aka rolling pin :)  Turned out pretty delicious I must say, it was a hit with all three (Daddy, Ellu and Kanah!)

Backyard Adventures

Saying that Ellu and Elkanah love playing with water is an understatement! This is probably one of those activities that they could spend doing all day if they were allowed! But since the weather was still on the cooler side, we had to limit their fun with the water, but that didn't stop them from getting drenched! Finally took out the net to play! Ellu perfecting his basketball skills :) Water Water The weather has been pretty nice the last few days so we decided to go out and enjoy some sun 😁. Here are some more of our backyard adventures!

Eliakim’s School Work

Eliakim is my little genius - he was able to read by the age of 3 because of his super interest in hearing stories and having stories read and told to him. He began by memorizing books and reciting them word for word and soon after the flow of reading began. Now we are working on his writing, and although he is not as eager about it as he is for reading, he is getting some good practice at home with his white-board!   Now, I also want to add that all kids are different and grow and learn and retain information at their own pace and in their own ways. Sometimes, it helps when we supplement their learning, but sometimes, it really is based on the individual child and how quickly they progress. Eliakim had his own challenges when he was 3 and 1/2 years old, with his speech. He began to stutter and both Neguissie and I were at a loss as to what happened to him. It was literally instantaneous where he was talking perfectly normally one day and the next day he began stutte

Kanah Loves her Yogurt ~ and Cheese!

So Elkanah has a thing for giving things random names and she calls yogurt “egg” 😂. She also calls water “baak” and has a funny name for spoon and fork which I can’t remeber right now but it is really funny. Anyways, this is her enjoying her yogurt snack - I had left her for 3 minutes to help Eliakim with his “homework” and by the time I turned around this is what I found. Elkanah is a foodie (she loves food :)) But don't mention cheese while she is around, cause you won't have any more left!!! She LOVEEEEEEES cheese, and sometimes, that is how I get her to do something like get dressed or come inside the house from playing outside. Here, Elkanah is 22 months and she is pretty much good with almost all foods...the only thing she really doesn't like or eat are eggs, and some other random foods depending on if she doesn't like the texture in her mouth. But she loves to snack, she liked Doritos chips (Sweet Chili) and LOVES strawberries, oranges, bananas

Fun at Home with the Kiddos

So...we've been doing a lot at home these days. Eating, playing, homework, creating things...its been a lot of fun! One of their favourite things to do...PLAY WITH WATER! Ethio thugs lol I have been trying to dress Elkanah up in her traditional Habesha Kemis dresses even though we are at home and have not events to attend...but she will grow out of it soon if she doesn't wear it now :) This wagon has been one of the best free gifts anyone has given me (my co-worker Fathia). We have been using it almost every time we go out for our nice and convenient! One of our crafts for Easter - Jesus paid it all at the cross! Making good use of cardboard diaper boxes. So caring! Eliakim is such a caring and truly compassionate boy. He really is very sweet and loves to take care of people - I can see it in the way he cares for Elkanah. Anyways, this is my teddy, my toy I had when I was younger and he is carrying her on his back! (ie. givin

Food Creations

I love some good food and being at home has opened up new and widened opportunities for me to explore some great recipes! Below is a lemon blueberry cake (which turned out pretty good btw) and oddly enough I also had a desire to make buticha - using chickpea flour. It was yum. I recently rediscovered my new love for salmon!

April Activities

We have been in social isolation for about 1 month now (since mid-March, 2020) and we are coming up with creative ways to use the time at home. We’ve been doing a lot of learning with Eliakim - actually related to the digestive system and functions of major organs like brain, heart, lungs, stomach, kidneys...etc I thought of the idea originally by wanting to trace his body on a large sheet of paper and he could paint it or label body parts- then it turned out to me printing out organs and having him label those. It really took off with him as he showed great interest in learning about the digestive system - we even made up a song for it! Elaikim is learning about what items float, and what sink. Ellu loves Veggie Tales - this is our creation of Goliath! Elkanah won't let me pass her with the broom without taking to it herself ;) Ellu is memorizing his Bible Verses from A - Z I really believe in scripture memory - especially for kids, as God's Word is